The word “stress” is a common enough word. It is a constant factor in most people’s lives and a term used to refer both to daily pressure and overwhelming situations. Recognizing stress in mastectomy fitters can sometimes be difficult
But what is stress?
Stress is a cascade of physiological reactions to a challenge or demand, such as frustration, danger, anger, or anxiety. Short bursts of stress can be beneficial – avoiding danger or meeting a deadline.
Tension is normal. But when left uncontrolled, it may harm your health.

There are two main types of stress:
Acute Stress
Acute stress is short-term. It comes and goes quickly.
Stress is a physiological reaction triggered by a situation, person, or event. It helps you manage new, exciting or dangerous situations – the “flight or fight” response.
Chronic Stress
Chronic stress lasts for an extended period.
Unfortunately, chronic pressure becomes familiar and hence ignored– examples include money or business problems, relationship issues, or trouble at work.
As your body encounters stress, hormones are released. These hormones increase alertness and heart rate, oxygenate the blood, and tense muscles — preparing the body for action.
However, with chronic stress, your body stays alert – regardless of the presence of danger.
Over time, this state of “always on” increases the risk for chronic health conditions, including:
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Depression or anxiety
- Skin problems, such as eczema
While often discounted as everyday aches and pains or a body’s typical response to aging, these symptoms, both physical and emotional, may indicate health issues caused by long-term stress.
Typical signs include:
- Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- Forgetfulness
- Tiredness
- Upset stomach
- Use of alcohol or drugs to relax
- Weight loss or gain
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Frequent aches and pains
- Headaches
- Lack of energy or focus
- Sexual problems
- Stiff jaw or neck
Understand Grounding Techniques.
Grounding Techniques are simple actions that help to relieve immediate stress. And one of the simplest techniques to ease tension and stress is something we instinctively do; breathing.
Deep Breathing
Breathe deep. Take slow deliberate, and easy breaths, exhaling completely for a minimum of thirty seconds. Many fitness trackers or phone apps have guided meditation or short breathing exercises.
The 5-4-3-2-1 technique

The goal of the 5-4-3-2-1 technique is to use the five senses to recenter your thoughts on the moment – minimizing stress-causing ideation.
5. SEE: Count five things you can see.
4. TOUCH: Count four things you can touch.
3. HEAR: Count three things you can hear.
2. SMELL: Count two things you can smell.
1. TASTE: Count one thing you can taste.
Physical activity improves oxygen use and blood flow – having a direct effect on your brain. Exercise also increases endorphin production – “feel-good” neurotransmitters — that promote a sense of well-being and euphoria.
Any level of exercise will work -you don’t need to run a marathon helps take your mind off your worries. And, by concentrating on the rhythm of the movements, one can produce similar benefits to meditation — providing calmness and clarity.

When was your last vacation?
Even a short vacation can reduce stress. A change of location serves to remove a person from the triggers and environments associated with strain and anxiety.
And a recent Japanese study found a short, three-day leisure trip reduced perceived stress levels and reduced the “stress hormone” cortisol levels.
Stress is positive and negative.
And running a mastectomy business adds numerous levels of stress from the minute the business cards are printed. So, just as you work to keep the business healthy, actively look for stress in mastectomy fitters. Help them be mindful of personal health, allowing everyone to enjoy entrepreneurial accomplishments.