<span class="vcard">AABCP | ISBCP</span>

Top Tax Deductions for Mastestectomy Boutiques

Deductible business expenses help entrepreneurs lower the costs of running a business. While mastectomy boutiques may be very different from other healthcare businesses, they do have one thing in common. They have to pay business taxes. Here are some of the most common general tax deductions available for small-business owners. 1 Vehicle Expenses Gas, repairs, parking, and mileage add up. You can take advantage of the standard mileage rate or deduct your actual expenses. Make …

Understanding Your Multi-Generational Workforce: A Handy Guide

Understanding the Multigenerational Workforce The mastectomy boutique landscape is evolving. One of the most noticeable factors is a growing multi-generational workforce with unique perspectives and experiences with breast cancer. In addition to the noted shift towards an aging population, the BLS has observed that more individuals are choosing to work beyond traditional retirement age: While these changes might appear minor, they signify a growing diversity in age groups within the workforce. People fresh out of …

Mastectomy Fitters Stress (Part 1)

[An Audio Article] 3 Simple Ways to Minimize Stress Three simple ways to minimize the effects of stress. The word stress is a common enough word. It is a constant factor in most people’s lives and a term used to refer to daily pressures and overwhelming situations. Stress is a cascade of physiological reactions to a challenge or demand such as frustration danger, anger, or anxiety. But it’s not all bad. In fact, short bursts of stress can …

3 Easy Steps to Mastectomy Fitter Certification

Post-mastectomy involves a very intimate issue – breasts. And as a result, it has been largely ignored. Through my experiences, I’ve heard the terms used when referring to post-mastectomy professionals: bra fitters, “that pink bra stuff.’ And my personal favorite, “the boob girls”. However, despite these dismissals, women persevered, and the post-mastectomy profession evolved, growing into a vibrant profession of more than 6,000 Certified Fitters. These women business owners, some with decades of experience, have …

Invest in your Mastectomy Career

Elevate Your Mastectomy Fitting Career and Raise Awareness Membership in a professional association is an important part of career development. As a certified mastectomy fitter, you are committed to helping breast cancer survivors regain confidence after the surgery. However, to enhance your professional growth and contribute to the field’s development, consider joining the Global Breast Care Association (GBCA), the leading mastectomy fitter membership organization. By becoming a member, you can reap numerous benefits that will …