AABCP & Global Breast Care courses are a great way to learn post-mastectomy fitter rules and regulations. And a good resource to help your career thrive.
We expect all individuals to act with the highest degree of academic integrity. We do not condone any misuse of materials or related help provided through our site for the express purpose of committing academic or professional dishonesty, including, but not limited to, cheating, crowdsourcing, and claiming another person’s work as their own.
Some examples of misconduct include:
Do not copy answers and solutions directly from AABCP resources; submit them as your own work.
Do not use our services to complete assignments or as a basis for outside presentations or reports.
Artificial Intelligence
Do not upload another person’s study materials or work.
The consequences of cheating, plagiarism, and other means of infringing on your honor are severe and can damage your reputation and risk your license or certification. Likewise, any post-mastectomy fitter authority or instructor who deliberately violates our honor code will be removed as an expert from our site.
We are committed to doing our part to help ensure our products are not misused. If you suspect Honor Code violations, you may visit our Academic Integrity page to submit a Code of Conduct Escalation ticket. Faculty may also visit this page to request that content be temporarily blocked to uphold exam integrity. Thank you for partnering with us to support student learning.